Anti Sensitive Discovery
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Anti Sensitive Discovery

(4 customer reviews) 21 sold


PuriHydra Cleanser 100ml RM98
PuriBalancing Mask 50ml RM98
PuriBalancing Essence 50ml RM98
PuriCalmingX Creamy Lotion 15ml

SKU: Anti Sensitive Discovery Categories: , , ,


Weight 0.336 kg
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4 reviews for Anti Sensitive Discovery
  • Tay

    很舒服,很清爽的一个ESSENCE。很喜欢它用了过后的效果,它能保持一整晚的冰凉感,而且让我皮肤立刻看到很白皙,水润和光泽,抚摸上去会有弹滑的感觉。在我皮肤偶尔有嗮伤脱皮或者红肿时,用它能够帮我止痛止痒,红肿也消退的快,当然搽在受伤的地方时,会有刺刺冷冷的感觉。生理期长的痘痘,加上在用了这款PuriBalancing Clear 2-3天,痘痘会很快的变小而有脓头,挤压干净留下的痘印,只要我多用3-4天,痘印会褪色很多,之后也不会留有scar在脸上。它是我皮肤的守护者,缺它不可。不管我皮肤上出现什么问题,有它我就安心。

  • Sook Yee

    I am nervous my sensitive skin a long time, I will to buy any product to get back my health skin. but after consult bu PuriPro, Noticed I use product not accordingly my skin current condition, the step to use and the amount to use. I was wrong during that time. I change to way to use puirfakes product, now the skin getting better and look health again. Trust to use this product.

  • Pei Mei

    I start with this set because of the PuriPro, She explanation is clear and ask me to choose a nature ways to repair skin. I try after a month, my skin getting better and the redness is reduced.

  • Amey Amey

    我常紧张用产品, 因为我怕不适合. 结果与PuriPro 沟通后, 才知道皮肤有它的修复之道. 自从用这套产品后, 每天都与PuriPro去观察皮肤的变化及反应, 原来我之前的护肤观念都错了. 感谢现在的坚持使用, 皮肤变好了, 重要的是我更认识我的皮肤, 我会努力与它配合, 建立健全的皮肤.

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